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Friday, July 11, 2014

Give us This Day

A dear friend just sent me some gorgeous pictures of the most unusual flowers. I will be sharing some of them with you and I guess that triggers off my reflection on "Give Us This Day" as I am so grateful for the good things that come to me each day. I am also grateful to our Provincial Team who has given us the gift of the monthly booklet that is "Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today's Catholic". It not only has the readings for the daily liturgy, but also morning and night prayer and wonderful reflections. I have used both "Living With Christ" and "Magnificat" and find that this latest subscription to "Give Us This Day" is the best of all! It is published by Liturgical Press and this list of the six editorial advisors should be enough for anyone to realize how excellent it is:
James Martin, SJ; Bishop Robert Morneau; Kathleen Norris; Irene Nowell, OSB; Timothy Radcliffe, OP, and Ronald Rolheiser, OMI.

This is my third year using the monthly booklet and I am finding that the daily reflections are so worthwhile. Some are contemporary while others are taken from historical sources, Fathers of the Church, Saints and Mystics, etc. I was happy to find one this week on "Misery Washes Up Against Love" taken from Romano Guardini. It is on the love of Jesus that goes out to all. I guess I was struck by the title as one of my graces as a novice was to see clearly that my misery attracted the mercy of Jesus. Perhaps that is why I always seem to find joy - no matter how miserable we are, we are attracting the mercy of the Heart of Jesus!

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