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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

These unusual flowers that I am using in my blog now are so unique and creative. We are each unique and special and a marvelous creation. We only need to look at our own hand to realize how special we are to our creator; no two hands are identical.

Having these days of summer to ponder in awe the unfolding of beauty around me has made me more grateful for the vast variety of plants, trees, flowers, and people. I am grateful and every day there is something new to learn. I, for instance, have no idea of the names of the flowers I am now showing each day in my blog. I am sure that I could do research on Google to discover this, but I am just fascinated by the variety of so many unusual pictures and I hope this leads us to praise the creator and to appreciate the people around us who might be thought of as unique, special, and precious in the sight of God.

I am also finding new words that I have never heard or read just by playing Words With Friends - amazing!

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