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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Summer vacation may be over, but we all need to realize the value of leisure. Of course, I am retired and living in a home where one has many activities offered each day but they are optional. Why then, do I often feel the need to just have time for leisure?

As you know, I often reread good spiritual books and I have been using Beatrice Bruteau's Radical Optimism: Practical Spirituality in an Uncertain World for prayer. Her first Chapter is on Leisure.
She begins by asking what really is leisure? And how do we really feel about leisure?
She goes on to say that we are enslaved by time. We are pressured and harassed by our need to force many activities into small amounts of time. Leisure may become another activity.
"The contemplative life has always required an attitude of leisure, and leisure has often resulted in contemplation."

Let us stop today and see how we are making place for leisure.

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