Jesus went about giving joy and consolation to others for the forty days after Easter; today he ascended into heaven. We had an old French custom of gathering for prayer just before noon on Ascension Thursday and then, just at noon, singing "Beau Ciel" as we contemplated Jesus going home to his Father. Now most of the United States celebrates the Ascension on next Sunday, but it is still a feast to remember and to rejoice with Jesus.
Jesus has told his chosen ones that he goes to the Father but will send the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will empower them to be his witnesses. Today, let us thank for the joy of the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives; let us thank him for the many ways he comes to us each day; above all, let us thank and pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit who enables us to bear witness to Jesus. We have received the Holy Spirit but can enlarge our hearts so that his action in us will be even more evident. The alleluias continue until Pentecost!
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