The waterfall image always gives me joy. I think of a picnic spot where two of us sat on a rock to eat our sandwiches at the top of a waterfall and that was always a joyous day. Jesus tells us in today's Gospel that he return and our hearts will rejoice and "no one will take your joy away from you."
We are called to be filled with joy, his joy. A sad saint is a sorry saint and really the saints teach us how to be joyful even in the midst of suffering.
I have a framed quote from St.Madeleine Sophie Barat that I love. She says to me:"Be humble, be simple, and bring joy to others." I pray again today for the grace to live this quote and to be joyful as joy communicates itself!
This blog has a postscript today because someone gave me a charming, illustrated book of Max Ehrmann's "Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life." The last lines are: "Be cheerful. Strive to be happy." Good advice for all of us!
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