Today's Gospel begins with Jesus saying:"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
We have been given the gift of interior peace and must not let our hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid is a constant message to us. If God is with us, why be afraid? He loves us and is all powerful so we need to trust in His Love. Let us cultivate peace in our hearts and in our world.
The children of the Sacred Heart in all parts of the world pray to an image of Mater, she is named Mother, most Admirable, but the original Mater is painted on a wall at the Trinite dei Monti, an old monastery at the top of the Spanish steps in Rome. I had the grace of living there and being sacristan for Mater's chapel and today I want to share with you a prayer I was just given on the back of a picture of Mater. I should explain that Mater was painted as a young girl in the temple wearing a pink dress . She is seated with her eyes closed in recollection. The prayer is as follows:
In the midst of non-essentials that invite and often distract us, we run the risk of confusing our values.
Let us ask Mater to detach us, to free us from all that is not important, to lead us on, and to fix our gaze upon the INvisible, which her own heart encountered: the Invisible Presence, the Invisible Life, the Invisible Action, the Invisible Love.
May Mater keep us throughout our busy and overcrowded days in the radiance of things that are not seen and in steadfast consciousness of the Invisible.
May Mater give us the right understanding of the Essential and a hunger for it.
Two things only are necessary: the will of God and the work of God's love.
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