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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Feast of Corpus Christi

We had such a lovely Mass in the community last night and so I had more time for prayer on Sunday. I wanted to make the Holy Hour here in union with the one in Rome; I did use the petitions the Pope had for the prayer of the faithful last night. I guess I mostly just want to sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament and thank Jesus for this great gift of giving us Himself.
I also want to say that I had a wonderful birthday and was really touched by all who remembered me. It was a day of lovely surprises including having a card from my community waiting in the kitchen for me, a Mass at the church where I go for noon Mass that was celebrated by a newly ordained priest who came down to give his homily right in front of me so I understood it (a small miracle in that church). Then, just as he insisted on how Mary went to Elizabeth and did not hold back, he said we must also go out to others. I actually turned at the end of Mass and told the one who is usually in the second bench with me that I would love to get to know her as she has such a beautiful smile. Next week, I plan to invite her to lunch!
One of my community surprised me by coming home early so we had lunch together; then, while I was cleaning out and dusting one of my many bookcases, the doorbell rang and here was a friend with her mother and they had made cookies for me. So we sat and had tea and cookies and then it was time for dinner and another of my community had brought me a little cake with a card with three animals playing and singing and inside it said, "Rock on..."  That made me feel young! I also received gifts and cards from family and friends and will need a few days to answer all, but I am most grateful. I felt Our Lady's presence in a special way and that was a grace!
I also received some wonderful presents so will keep on buying books! 

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