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Saturday, September 10, 2022

Our heat wave is helped by a snow image

 Now, I have been thinking of my list of joys. I picked up Matthew Kelly's book, I Heard God Laugh, and, while it has not helped me with my own list of joys so far, I do have something worth sharing from this book. Kelly says that there are six significant moments along the way even if every journey is unique. But these six are important for all of us. Here they are and they are all helps for prayer:

"First: Begin the Conversation

Second: Ask God What He Wants

Third: Give Yourself to Prayer

Fourth: Transform Everthing into Prayer

Fifth: Make Yourself Available

Sixth: Just Keep Showing Up!"

I think the last is what is most important. Just show up and let God act in us.

I will continue to think about my own list of joys - I keep thinking of past joys and want to make a list of present joys. I guess one is having a delicious breakfast served to me each morning. I love breakfast, but never fixed a big one for myself. Now, we have a variety of offerings and it is a joy to go and be with some of my sisters and just enjoy breakfast. Not a very spiritual joy perhaps, but a real one for me! It also means that I am up, dressed, and in the dining room by 7:30 or, usually, closer to 7:40. There are always some who go very early and so are served first so it is better to wait the ten minutes, 

Not a very spiritual joy, but I think I often wake up so grateful for another day to love and serve the Lord and let Him love me.

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