On Pentecost I was inspired to think of a new online Program that I will create and teach in 2009 as by then I will have a good group of graduates from the Online Certificate Program in Spirituality Studies from all over the world who will be interested in taking a course that will be only six weeks on "Nourishing Your Spirituality". I mapped out the course in six Units and feel that the Spirit really did inspire me as so many are hungry for spirituality.
This leads me to reflect with you today on some ways to nurture our spiritual experiences. Several years ago, Sister Maureen Conroy, RSM, wrote an article in "Human Development" on "Nurturing Spiritual Experiences". I want to share some notes from it with you.
There are many ways we can nurture spiritual experience and open ourselves more fully to God. Creation is one way to notice God's self-revelation; Scripture is another.
"I have called you by name, you are mine. You are precious in my eyes, and I love you." (Is 43:1-4)
Gratitude that leads us to thank God for his many gifts and blessings is still another way. Awareness of God's Presence in our daily life is another. God is with us and works in us. We need to ask God each morning how he wants to be present to us during the day and pray for an awareness of God in all we do. Then, at night, we can look back over the day and thank for his presence. Being aware of our experiences of God is one thing; to share the experience with another deepens it. Spiritual Direction and faith sharing are ways to nurture our spiritual experience.
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