Today I want only to share a prayer of St. Madeleine Sophie to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which I was delighted to receive from this week's virtual prayer community as I did not have this prayer.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I come to you because you are my only refuge, my only but certain hope. You are the comfort for all my sufferings, the remedy for all my miseries, the reparation for all my losses, the expiation for all my faults, the supplement for all that is wanting in me, the certainty for all my demands, the infallible source, for me and for all, of light, strength, benediction, constancy, and peace. I am sure that you will not weary of me, that you will not cease to love me, to aid and protect me, because you love me with an infinite love. Have mercy on me, then according to your great mercy, and do with me, and in me, whatever you will. I abandon myself to you, with full confidence that you will never abandon me.
That is what I would call a very comprehensive prayer!
My own favorite prayer is "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You; Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love for me; Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Kingdom come!"
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