The Gospel from Luke (9:51-62) shows us that the real call to follow Christ is a call to proclaim the Kingdom of God and cannot be put off for any reason. This call is stronger than family; stonger than the corporal work of mercy to bury the dead! Jesus continues to call us. Are we still making excuses in order to delay answering his call?
Elisha, in the first reading (I Kings 19) went back only to destroy his oxen and ploy in order to feed his people. Then he left. Jesus says, "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God." Am I free enough to leave all and follow Jesus? I think that the moment of death must be our final call and then we follow leaving all behind.
The second reading from Paul (Gal 5) tells us to "live by the Spirit" and, also says that "Christ set us free." I pray for this freedom that comes from living by the Spirit and frees us to leave all behind to follow Christ.\
As I will be away most of July, I hope my readers will understand that I really need to leave the computer behind for the month of July. This blog will be back in August.
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