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Friday, September 4, 2015

Labor Day Week End

There is something exciting about a three-day week end, even if I am now retired. It used to be that schools only started after Labor Day, but only old-timers can remember that. I do not think I have ever done anything extraordinary over this long week end, but we have often used it for community planning, praying together, setting goals for the year, doing the community budget, and maybe going out for a meal. So far this year we have not planned because we are now only three in the community and one is ill. Perhaps I will cook something special.

My reflection is about taking time to think about the "labor" that awaits us this year and pray that we may do it well and with joy. We really never know all the work we will be called on to do (even if we are retired) and we need the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, let us rejoice that we have a long week end to pray and prepare spiritually for the academic work many of us are involved in - even if it is only trying to keep up with our children's or grandchildren's homework.

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