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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We receive from Him and then go out to work for Him

I am sorry that I cannot get this bit I copied from the Internet to go to larger print but I think it worth reflecting on today.
This reflection is taken from (in)Courage
"I was doing many things, pouring myself out for God, but not really spending time getting refilled by God. 
Maybe you can relate?
We run at a breakneck pace to try and achieve what God simply wants us to slow down enough to receive.
He really does have it all worked out. The gaps are filled. The provision is ready. The needs are met. The questions are answered. The problems are solved.
And the parts He’s purposed for us? He’s got it all perfectly portioned out in assignments meant for us today. No more. No less.
All He asks is that we personally receive from Him before setting out to work for Him. In doing so we are fueled by His power and encouraged by His presence. This is the daily sacred exchange where ministry duty turns into pure delight.
It’s not hard to serve the One with whom we are crazy in love.
And He is most pleased when we are most focused on Him. Not only doing things for Him but rather being with Him no matter what we are doing.
He’s perfectly capable of doing everything that needs to be accomplished. He actually doesn’t need us..."

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