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Friday, September 11, 2015

Taking Others To God

When we pray for others, we are really taking them to God.
I have been thinking about how the deaf man's friends took him to Jesus and remembering how the paralytic's friends had even taken up the roof to get him to Jesus; Jesus healed both and so I am spending time this week really taking all my friends to God. I sit in the Presence of Jesus in our tiny Chapel and offer them to Jesus, one by one. I say their names and pray for each. This is something I am cultivating now; I have usually just asked Jesus to take care of my friends although I mentally called to mind some I thought had greater need or I had promised to pray for recently, but never went through and took each friend to Jesus. Now, I feel it is important to do this. Perhaps I will only do it for a week or so, but it is helping me right now to do it.

I am grateful for all the friends I have who also take me to prayer. I also believe in the Communion of Saints and know that Jesus hears from my friends in heaven when I am in need. I am sure my parents are great intercessors.

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