Wednesday - middle of our five day work week!
I love Wednesdays! I try to get to the gym and Mass and sometimes have something scheduled for later, but usually the morning is for writing or whatever needs to be done. I can look back on what I have done the first two days of this work week and thank God for helping me get at least some of the important things accomplished. I often thing that maybe God and I have different priorities about some of the things, but try to follow what He seems to indicate as the most necessary. Then, I always look forward to Thursday when I am with great spiritual friends at the University and having prayer and sharing with them. This Thursday I also have my reflection group to prepare for and enjoy!
One of my community has taken our computer and phones off the wireless to try to improve our reception and link all with the television. She disconnected things but has not yet found a way to get them back. It cost me a useless seventy mile drive as no one could get through to me to tell me the meeting had been postponed - even my I-phone did not get the texts and e-mails. I was able to make Mass at the University yesterday and then write this blog as I do not know when help will come to restore our computer at home. I am trying to see what God is saying to me in all of this.
Anyway, have a blessed Wednesday and thank God that we have a day in the middle of the week to pause and take stock of where He is leading us! Then, let us go on with courage and confidence.
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